8 Signs You’re a Tomboy

Wikipedia defines a tomboy as a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy. This was definitely me as a young child all the way through well….today. I guess that’s typical when all you’re around is guys. I grew up with two brothers and was raised by my dad. I played more yard football, basketball with my brothers and their friends (that was probably more about flirting), and G.I. Joe toys; than I did with Barbies or dolls.

I am still quite the tomboy but I can be a girly girl when needed. I can dress up for church, a girls night out on the town, or when I have to go to a wedding. I am better at make-up, I can use a straightener (even though my cousin 14 years younger than me taught me how to use a curling wand last year), and thanks to Pinterest I can dress myself pretty fashionably.

In case you are wondering if you are a tomboy or not, I have come up with eight signs to help you out.

1. Your favorite movie genre is action.
I grew up watching Jean-Claude Van Damme, Sylvester Stallone, and Steven Seagal. I crushed hard on all these guys, and I saw Bloodsport more times than I can count. Still today, I’ll choose an action movie over any other genre, but every now and then, I do enjoy a good chick flick.

2. You look forward to football season
If I wasn’t watching an action movie, I was watching sports. In the south, college football is a huge deal. Major events are planned around Saturday football. And in my family you have to be a Vols fan. VFL for life. You can catch me at sports bar alone just to see the Vols play. Is it bad that I have turned down dates because the guy didn’t like football?

3. You’re slow to show emotions
This one can be a bit deceiving…everyone knows when I am mad. Ha! Anger has always been my weakest emotion, but the others I can hide pretty well. Crying didn’t happen much in our house. Boys are tough and I had to be one of the boys.

4. You’re not afraid to get hurt
I played hard as a kid. I fell, got skinned knees, black eyes, and busted lips. None of that stopped me. I wasn’t afraid to get hurt and try again. Getting hit by my brothers or a softball was part of my daily routine. It was either cry or get even.

5. You’re Independent
Being raised by my dad and being a tomboy, wasn’t a big deal. He let me be myself and didn’t push me to be a girly girl just because that’s what others suggested. He taught me to not care so much of what others think. I was able to just be me.

6. You choose beer over wine
I have one friend that I drink wine with at least once a week. Other than that; if I’m drinking, it’s usually a beer. Nothing is better than beer and wings at sports bar.

7. Uniforms are a way of life
At the age of 4 I started gymnastics. Then came basketball and softball. All of those sports required a leotard, a specific uniforn, a pony-tail, cleats, tennis shoes or no shoes. My current job requires, tennis shoes, a pony-tail, and specific uniform. Now you know why I just learned to use a curling wand last year. Ha!

8. You’d rather go camping than shopping
My family has been camping on and off my whole life. The last 4 years we have gone every Memorial Weekend. It’s the newest family tradition. And when I say camping…I mean camping. We literally camp in tents. We rough it for the whole weekend. Don’t get me wrong…I do enjoy shopping, but I’d rather go camping.

Being a tomboy isn’t so bad. I actually claim that title with pride. It’s an exclusive club not every girl is a part of. It doesn’t matter how you grow up, or who you are. Be proud of yourself and don’t change for anyone.

With that being said…I think I’ll go have a beer!


August 17, 2019 at 12:41 am

That’s my daughter lol. She’s 40 now

August 19, 2019 at 7:44 pm

My college softball coach used to call me a jockey foo foo because I was one tough girl on the field, but loved skirts, makeup and having big hair (80s girl).

    Kelly Jo
    August 28, 2019 at 3:57 am

    Jen, I am so glad that you can relate. Growing up with all guys, I was quite the tom boy, but loved getting all dressed up at the same time.

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