Get Away Wed, 06 Nov 2019 12:27:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193374006 Distractions 3 Wed, 06 Nov 2019 12:27:00 +0000 Get Away

Distractions are described as thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else or an extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. For the past few weeks my attention has been directed away from writing and my mind and emotions have gotten the best of me. I have struggled with what to do, what to say, should I take this chance, should I do this instead. It’s been a whirl wind for me. I knew this distraction was coming, but I didn’t prepare for it. That being said….I have been very conflicted.

But all distractions aren’t bad. Some times we just need to “get away”. And that is exactly what I did. GIRLS TRIP!!!! First, let me tell you that this trip wasn’t planned for me. It was actually a trip for my best friend to celebrate her birthday. And what perfect timing God has. HIS perfect timing of bringing my bestie into the world. HIS perfect timing of a much needed trip we all needed to celebrate life and to just get away of the hustle and bustle of life. My bestie, two other amazing ladies and I jetted out of town to Gatlinburg, TN.

I don’t travel much but I love it. My favorite part is the car ride there and home. It’s a great time to bond and chance to get closer to your already close friends. We talked a lot and mostly about relationships. I mean…what’s a girls trip without a little talk about guys…right! Our conversation went from guy talk to…God to…are we really being intentional with what we are asking for. That really hit me hard. I was like please explain. Of course…I am certain that I want what I am asking for. Then…I was asked do I really believe I will receive those things. Ummm…No, I don’t really think I will. I want them…but I have been waiting so long for the desires of my heart. It hasn’t come yet so…I just assume it never will. I was then asked….Kelly, how do you expect to receive a gift if you can’t trust God to give you the desires he placed in your heart. WOW!!! That was the most powerful thing anyone has ever said to me. It was that conversation…that changed me. Being a new writer, I was challenged to write a vocation to God. I needed to declare my true intentions to HIM. It was just what I needed to change my mindset for our trip. I finally had a plan and some answers as to what I needed to do. It was emotional, and like always, your friends know just what to do. My bestie reached for my hand, as a tear slide down my face and we all sat in silence for a while. It was the perfect start to a perfect weekend.

A girls trip filled with laughter and love. Inside jokes that only we will get. A little too much to drink and dancing the night away. Celebrating life. Deep conversations and prayers answered. A bond made that can never be broken. Memories that will never be forgotten. A GET AWAY that changed my life! Thank you ladies for the weekend of the year. You have no idea what your friendships mean to me.

And yes! If you are wondering….I did write my vocation to God. It was freeing and the most releasing form of promise I have ever made to God. I’ll keep you posted.

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