Girl Dad Thu, 23 Apr 2020 00:45:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193374006 1 Rule – Just Show Up Thu, 23 Apr 2020 00:45:09 +0000 This is for all my single dads out there. Really this is for all dads or for any parent. There is really only one rule to being a parent.


It really is that simple. Kids don’t want much. Heck they don’t understand life. For example, I had no idea if we were poor…rich…we struggled…or knew anything about finances. I had more clothes than my closet could hold. My house was huge…not really but I thought it was. And there is no way that I could eat all the food we had in the kitchen in a month. I played sports, went to sleepovers, had friends at my house, and pretty much got to do what I wanted as long as I followed my dads rules.

I was blessed to have a dad that cared. He worked hard and did all the worrying for me. As I child I do remember one thing. I remember my dad always being there for me. He just showed up. I was never the kid on the field looking for her parent. I was the kid in the dugout being ask who all those people were sitting by my dad. Daddy didn’t just SHOW UP, he brought a fan club. My whole family would come to most of my games.

I’m only here to encourage parents. I mostly talk about single dads…well that’s because, I was raised by one. I’m trying hard to reach people on all kinds of platforms. I recently joined TikTok as well. Check out my video below and feel free to share.

I’m not great making videos but it has been fun and has forced me to get out of my comfort zone. You can also learn more about my personal life by following me on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and now TikTok. Just type in raised by a single dad

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