New Traditions Sat, 04 Apr 2020 00:32:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193374006 100 or 1 Thing to do at Home Sat, 04 Apr 2020 00:32:21 +0000 Are you stuck in the house with a kid…or two…or three…a husband. Maybe even throw in a dog or two. I don’t have any kids but I am stuck in the house with a dog. I love him dearly and it is nice to have a companion of some sort. Although, every time I get my laptop out he crawls in my lap. He follows me to the bathroom…kitchen…bedroom and still tries to sneak out the door every time it’s opened. He barks at every neighbor that goes by. And his potty time has substantially increased. I am trying not to complain. I do have it pretty good. I don’t have anyone yelling mom or babe at me 7,798,425 times a day. I only have two mouths to feed. I can watch whatever I want…do whatever and I don’t get any complaints about how I am living my life.

Are you tired? Tired of planning every minute of every day. Tired of coming up with activities to keep the littles busy. Tired of planning all the meals, that more than likely no one will eat after you spent so forever in the kitchen.

I know I don’t have kids but remember…I was a kid myself. I also work with kids. I try to give the best advice and believe it or not…I get asked a ton of questions about kids. The most asked question is…how do I play with my child? I say…you were a child once, if you could go back what is it that you would like to do? Do that and you are sure to have fun.

As kids…what is the one thing they hate. RULES. What is one thing they want. TO GROW UP. As adults…what do we want…to be a kid again.

My advice. STOP! Don’t be a parent. For one day…be a kid again and let the kid(s) be the grown ups. Let them be little creators. They get to make all the rules…come up with all the activities…even pick our your outfit for the day and plan all the meals. I promise…your kid(s) will love it. They get to be the boss for a day, and you may even learn a thing or two you didn’t realize about your kid(s).

Fun Fact: My brothers and I would go stay with our grandparents every New Years when we were young. My grandmother would take us shopping and lets us buy whatever we wanted for the party. She would even let us use all her fancy platters to set out all the food. We made menus…decorated the table…took their orders and served them the food. It was some of my favorite memories I have with them.

Who knows…this could become a new tradition for your family.

Happy Quarantining! Stay Safe! Stay Home!

Leave me comments and let me know how your littles boss you for a day.

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