The Sex Talk

Ok. This is a funny one!! Every time I tell this story it makes me laugh. I was maybe 11 when Daddy said, “We need to talk.” Oh crap! What did I do this time? When he said that, I started running list of questions in my head. Did I clean my room? What did I lie about? Did one of my brothers tell on me? You see, I was the mischievous child. I was the one who pushed the limits. There is no telling what Daddy wanted to talk about. I never thought it would be about sex though. I am not even sure I knew what sex was at 11. I didn’t know how babies were made, and I really didn’t care to know. My childhood consisted of playing outside, riding bikes, making mud pies, sports, aggravating my brothers, and just being a kid. I was boy crazy. I always had a boyfriend, even in kindergarten. I guess it was time for, “the talk.” I just had no idea it was going to be so gross.

Boy were cute, but that was about it. They had cooties! Remember circle circle dot dot now I have my cootie shot? Those were the good old days. If only then I knew how easy I had it.

I was in the living room on the love seat, sitting across from Daddy on the couch. He began with, “Kelly I know you are getting older and will start liking boys.” I was thinking, I already do, so what do you mean by that? I just sat there and listened as he kept talking. When Daddy talked you looked him straight in the eyes and stayed quiet. I sat there staring at him like he was crazy and wondered why he was even talking to me about boys. He continued with, “Boys might even want to kiss you.” Gross! I don’t want to kiss boys! He then said, “they might even want to stick their tongue in your mouth.” OK! THAT IS ENOUGH! Still thinking in my head and still so confused. What is the point of a guy sticking his tongue in my mouth? Why would boys want to do that? I can’t even believe he said that. “Kel” he said, “kissing can also lead to other stuff.” Stuff, what stuff? What in the world could come after kissing? The conversation only got worse. He told me that guys would want to touch me where I pee. Mind blown, what? I thought that was the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. Where I pee? Pee is gross! Who wants to touch pee? Daddy you have to be kidding me? That is too close to my butt. Oh no poop! Poop is worse than pee. Who wants to get that close to poop? Disgusting, disgusting, gross! Daddy you are so wrong! No one does that! The best I can explain it is, wah wa wa wa. The way Charlie Brown’s teacher talked. Yeah that’s all I heard after he told me what boys wanted to do. Ha!

So to all the dads out there, good luck! I know this conversation has to be hard for any parent. I appreciate Daddy for taking the time to talk to me. He didn’t have to but he did. Daddy was a dad first and friend many years later. He did all he knew to do and he did the very best he could.

Tips for Dads: 1. Ask a female for help, preferably someone she looks up to. This may help her to open up more.

2. Ask questions to get her engaged. For example, do you like boys/girls? Is there someone at school you are attracted to? Do you have any questions?

3. Don’t just talk about sex and feelings. Talk about the dangers of sex too. My daddy my have done this. I just stopped listening after he told me about the touching part.

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