Feature post

1 Rule – Just Show Up

This is for all my single dads out there. Really this is for all dads or for any parent. There is really only one rule to being a parent. JUST SHOW UP It really is that simple. Kids don’t want much. Heck […]

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19 Things I Hate about COVID

I hate the way you took my job, and all the bars you closed. I hate social distancing. I hate that you’re so bold.  I hate the way I can’t see my familyand you make me feel alone. I hate you so much it makes me […]

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100 or 1 Thing to do at Home

Are you stuck in the house with a kid…or two…or three…a husband. Maybe even throw in a dog or two. I don’t have any kids but I am stuck in the house with a dog. I love him dearly and it is […]

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8 Things Dads Don’t Understand about their Daughters

Girls! What can I say we are emotional. We literally come out of the womb crying. I mean we all do, but girls cry a lot. It has to be hard on dads that don’t understand how we feel, how we think, […]

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What are Stars?

Are stars a two way mirror Are stars holes for heaven If stars are stars You’d be so proud Daddy stayed the courseHe tucked us in and kept us safeHe held us close and taught us rightHe invested his time and engaged in our […]

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What’s on your 2020 Menu?

It’s a new year. A time for a new New Year’s Resolution. Uhh, gross! The word resolution sounds repulsive to me. We set one goal for ourselves. It’s usually the biggest life change we can think of and yet, we usually fail […]

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His Best-friend is Better than a Boyfriend

‘Tis the season. It’s my favorite time of year. I love all things Christmas. A housed filled with the smell of gingerbread cookies. The twinkle of the lights that blink in the night sky. The hustle at the mall as everyone scurries […]

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Learning to Love My Journey

As a young girl I couldn’t wait to grow up. I have always been very independent. As soon as I started walking…I was pretty much on my own. Not really…my parents were there, but for me…I had life figured out. I mean…I […]

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Family Traditions

Fall is here is ya’ll. In Tennessee that means, go outside and check the weather before you pick your outfit for the day. This time last week, I woke up to a snow covered car and yesterday it was sixty one degrees […]

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Didn’t you notice Daddy… When I was little…I was scared of storms and you let me sleep in your bed. I collided with the catcher, and you carried me off the field. …I wanted you there Didn’t you notice Daddy… When I […]

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Distractions 3

Get Away Distractions are described as thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else or an extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. For the past few weeks my attention has been directed away from writing and my mind […]

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Distractions 2

Fear? F-E-A-R Forget Everything And Run. Does fear keep you from your purpose? Your goals? I let fear stop me. I have great ideas. Like writing, starting a relationship, or simply teaching new staff at work how to become a better coach…and […]

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Distractions 1

Why am I here? What is your purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? I think we all get to a point in life and ask, why am I here? I know I have. I wondered for years…what am I good […]

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Be Proud of Yourself…I am Proud of Me

I am proud of myself, and you should be proud of yourself. It doesn’t matter the size of your victory. Maybe you didn’t even have a victory. Maybe today, it took all you had to get through the day. Be proud about […]

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7 Ways a Dad can Bond with his Daughter

I can’t imagine, how difficult it is for a daddy to raise his little girl. Having to do it alone can seem impossible, but it’s not. There will be struggles and times when you will think, that you have no idea what […]

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Mind over Matter

A man can’t raised kids alone, much less try to raise a girl. They can’t teach a girl how to fix her hair, wear make-up, or how to just be a girl. I was raised by a man, my daddy; and he […]

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Seeing Stars

Growing up with brothers is fun. We played a lot together. Yes, we fought and got on each others nerves, and made fun of each other; but for the most part I think we got along pretty good. Most of our days […]

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A Dozen Moms – Part 2

Last week I gave you six other “moms” that God gave me. He took my birth mother sooner than I would have agreed to but God didn’t ask me what I wanted. He had bigger and better plans for me. Losing my […]

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A Dozen Moms – Part 1

I am an unlucky lucky girl. I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t even make sense. Let me explain. I am unlucky in the fact that I lost my mom to cancer at the age of nine. I am lucky to have […]

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Dear Self, Don’t Quit

Dear Self, Don’t quit! Do you remember when you crashed your friend’s bike? You got a big goose egg on your head, when your bike fell over and you forgot to put your feet down first. But your daddy wouldn’t take the […]

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Being a Kid Sucks…Sometimes

Life’s a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don’t worry about what you don’t know. Yea, I know you just sang that like the song. Ha-ha! I like this song a lot and it does have […]

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8 Signs You’re a Tomboy

Wikipedia defines a tomboy as a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy. This was definitely me as a young child all the way through well….today. I guess that’s typical when all you’re around is guys. I grew […]

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My Brother the Prankster

I have two brothers. Sam is the oldest and Matt is the youngest. That leaves me as the middle child. The favorite! I’m kidding, Daddy didn’t have favorites, or at least he didn’t show it. And some people think since I was […]

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10 Ways I Have Become My Daddy

As a kid, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t turn into my dad. Well, the day has come. Here I am, 36 young (as some like to call it…level 36), and I find myself acting more like my daddy every […]

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My Dad was my Mom too

He Did It All My Daddy raised me and my brothers. How? He had a schedule and followed it. Why? We were a very active family and life didn’t slow down just because my mom passed away. Sam played baseball, basketball, and […]

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9 Toes

I have been pretty serious in my last few post! This week, I am going to keep it light-hearted and hopefully kind of funny. At hour house we were super busy. We being me and my two brothers. I have an older […]

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A Father’s Impact

First, I want to let you know that I am a Christian. I am a child of God. I do not claim to be perfect. I do not always, make the best decisions. I am fast to anger, I get my feelings […]

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Dear Daddy,

Thank you. Thank you for everything. You were there from the start. You gave me my first bath the day I was born. You clothed me with my first diaper. You held me, fed me and rocked me to sleep many many […]

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