1 Rule – Just Show Up

This is for all my single dads out there. Really this is for all dads or for any parent. There is really only one rule to being a parent. JUST SHOW UP It really is that simple. Kids don’t want much. Heck […]

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19 Things I Hate about COVID

I hate the way you took my job, and all the bars you closed. I hate social distancing. I hate that you’re so bold.  I hate the way I can’t see my familyand you make me feel alone. I hate you so much it makes me […]

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Learning to Love My Journey

As a young girl I couldn’t wait to grow up. I have always been very independent. As soon as I started walking…I was pretty much on my own. Not really…my parents were there, but for me…I had life figured out. I mean…I […]

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Distractions 3

Get Away Distractions are described as thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else or an extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. For the past few weeks my attention has been directed away from writing and my mind […]

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Distractions 2

Fear? F-E-A-R Forget Everything And Run. Does fear keep you from your purpose? Your goals? I let fear stop me. I have great ideas. Like writing, starting a relationship, or simply teaching new staff at work how to become a better coach…and […]

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Distractions 1

Why am I here? What is your purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? I think we all get to a point in life and ask, why am I here? I know I have. I wondered for years…what am I good […]

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