Distractions 2


F-E-A-R Forget Everything And Run.

Does fear keep you from your purpose? Your goals? I let fear stop me. I have great ideas. Like writing, starting a relationship, or simply teaching new staff at work how to become a better coach…and fear creeps in like a bug through a crack in the wall and ahhhhh! I start to think of all the things that can go wrong. Will anyone read what I write? Relationships are hard. Am I a good enough leader to help others? It starts with one question and spirals down from there. Sound familiar? Or am I the only one that does that. I can be my own worst enemy.

F-E-A-R Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real.

But what am I really afraid of? I’m afraid of the answers. The outcome. The disappointment. The rejection. You see, when I don’t know the answer…I do nothing. When I know what the answer might be, but it’s not the one I want…I don’t ask. When I might be stepping out of my comfort zone…I push the task away until I have to meet the deadline. I let fear stop me from what might be some of the most amazing experiences of my life. I get mad because, I don’t know what to do. Is the fear something I am wanting or something God is wanting me to do?

F-E-A-R Face Everything And Rise

How do I face my fear? I reach out to friends and family for advice, but mostly…God! I hit my knees, pray, cry, and sometimes scream at HIM. I receive silence at first and the waiting makes it more difficult. I’m currently in the waiting stage for an answer. I know in time I will get the answer. I just take a leap of faith and know that God is in control. How am I so sure of that? I can look back on my life and see how God has walked beside me in my life. HE has helped me through more than one break-up, that I thought I’d never get over. HE gave me enough strength to get over the loss of my first dog. HE gives me the best support system that any girl could ask for. I have so many friends and family that would do anything for me. And on my toughest days…the days…I just want my mom…the mile stones…when you just wish she was here…HE reminds me of my story. My story…to walk with others who have had loss, to help daddy’s with daughters. HE reminds me that I have two choices…to be bitter or to Face Everything And Rise! I choose to RISE and face my fears. With a the faith of a mustard seed, I have conquered many fears. Big or small here are a few…

  1. I looked at the 4 inch balance beam, held my breath and made a backhand-spring.
  2. I bought my first car, not really knowing if I could handle a payment. God always provided and now it’s paid off.
  3. I moved to Nashville, not knowing anyone. I now have the best friends ever.
  4. I miss my mom everyday, but God keeps waking me up and I keep trying.

Take a chance. Have a little faith. Don’t worry. Jump in head first. Take the first step to the greatest experiences of your life. Every little thing will be alright.

Maybe…just maybe, I’ll get my answer soon, or the courage to face my current fear. Is it something I just want, or is the Holy Spirit asking me to step out of my comfort zone. Only time will tell. I’ll keep you in the loop.

What chances do you want to take to conquer your fear?


October 30, 2019 at 2:22 pm

I have some of the same symptoms of fear, but I’ve been through so much and it’s all worked out all right – even loosing my husband of 33 years. At this point I say, just go for it. Who cares, if I fail. I’m not going to die from failure and might learn something. But on the other hand, what amazing surprises – more than I could imagine – are on the other side of fear.
Hope you get your answer soon!

    November 6, 2019 at 10:56 am

    Thank you D’Ann, I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I will take your advice and go for it, it just may take me a day or two to figure out what to say. Thank you for your encouragement. I shouldn’t let fear drive me, but it’s so hard sometimes. And you are so right…amazing surprises may await my arrival.

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